Life Unfiltered: IT Insights and Adventures

👋🏻 Hey there! I am Aleksandr Golenishchev, a software engineer and passionate technology enthusiast. Here, you can follow my journey through the exciting realms of technology and creativity. My research activities revolve around the dynamic fields of programming and architecturing, where I strive to challenge classic and uncover novel approaches. Checkout my recent posts and follow for updates.

Debezium with Postgres and Kafka: Unveiling the Pitfalls

Aleksandr Golenishchev
2 min read·Oct 18, 2023

In the evolving landscape of microservice architecture, the need for seamless data integration has never been greater. Change Data Capture (CDC) tools like Debezium have emerged as vital components for breaking down monolithic databases into more manageable, real-time data streams. However, while Debezium holds great promise, there are some caveats and pitfalls to be aware of when integrating it with Postgres and Kafka. In this post, we’ll explore some key challenges and solutions for a smoother Debezium deployment.