Debezium with Postgres and Kafka: Unveiling the Pitfalls

Aleksandr Golenishchev
2 min read·Oct 18, 2023

In the evolving landscape of microservice architecture, the need for seamless data integration has never been greater. Change Data Capture (CDC) tools like Debezium have emerged as vital components for breaking down monolithic databases into more manageable, real-time data streams. However, while Debezium holds great promise, there are some caveats and pitfalls to be aware of when integrating it with Postgres and Kafka. In this post, we’ll explore some key challenges and solutions for a smoother Debezium deployment.

Initial Snapshot: Patience is a Virtue

One of the first challenges with Debezium is the time required for the initial snapshot. In continuous deployment scenarios, this can be a crucial consideration. Debezium’s strength lies in its ability to capture changes as they happen, but the initial snapshot may take some time, especially with extensive data.

Connector Health: Ensuring Reliability

Connectors may not fail fast, and they might appear “healthy” without actually functioning as expected. Network issues or deployment problems could be lurking beneath the surface. To address this, it’s essential to monitor the Kafka topics to which your connector is subscribed. In some cases, creating a custom connector supervisor might be necessary, although open-source solutions are available.

Fault Tolerance: Task.Max Limitation

Dealing with relational databases like Postgres, you cannot set task.max greater than 1. This constraint can impact fault tolerance as it takes time to spin up or down a new connector. In the absence of a hot standby, a Debezium worker might not be as fault-tolerant as desired.

Memory Consumption: Careful Planning Required

Connectors can consume substantial memory, making careful capacity planning and performance testing essential before deploying to production. Understanding memory requirements is crucial to avoid performance bottlenecks.

Heavy Load Tables: Strategic Isolation

In cases where you have numerous tables in a monolithic database, the streaming of one heavily loaded table can cause lag for others. Consider excluding such tables from streaming or dedicate separate connectors to them. Managing connectors for various groups of tables can be challenging but rewarding for performance.

Connector Balancing: A Tricky Task

Connector balancing can be unpredictable, especially when using a single worker per connector. Binding a spare dedicated connector instance for fault tolerance can be a challenging task. Failed tasks can be assigned unpredictably, making fault tolerance management more complex.

Schema Evolution: Not a Silver Bullet

While Debezium supports schema evolution for simple operations, it’s not a silver bullet for complex migrations. Complex schema changes might require manual handling, and maintaining strategies for zero downtime can be demanding.

In conclusion, Debezium is a powerful tool, but it demands strong development processes and discipline at every stage. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and careful consideration, testing, and strategy are essential. When used wisely and with full awareness of its challenges, Debezium can be a game-changer in your microservice architecture. So, think twice, and triple-test, and embark on your Debezium journey with confidence.